柔性振动盘 柔性供料器 Flexible Feeder Flexible Feed

JKTECH柔性供料器提供具有兼容性的零件供料,柔性供料器不受硬件的限制(如振动盘供料或托盘供料系统具有硬件的限制无法兼容其他零件供料),专为需要快速换型的产品自动化供料而设计。JKTECH Flexible feeder  provides flexible parts feeding withoutthe limitations of a hard-tooled feed system (such as a bowl-feeder or tray-feeding system). The Flexible feeder is designed for feeding a wide variety of parts with rapid change-over  times.

JK柔性供料器的用途 Intended Use of JKTECH  Flexible feeder
The feeders of the JK TECH series are intended for the use in combination with’an industrial robot and vision system, with the purpose to store and singulate bulk parts for easy pickup by a robot. The working principal is illustrated in the diagram below.

柔性供料器适用于下列工业领域和应用领域,目的是储存和分离零件,以供机器拾取:The feeder is suitable for the following fields, for the purpose to store and singulate parts for later pickup by a robot:
  • 小零件装配、物料搬运和质量控制Small part assembly, material handling, and quality control
  • 零件包装应用Part packaging applications
  • 零件计数应用程序Part counting applications
  • 加工机的装载Loading of process machines


不同的面板可供选择(根据产品定制)There are different feed surface available(customized)

  • 不同的型号可供选择There are different models available:
     -Feed JKF-1317

     -Feed JKF-1721

     -Feed JKF-2432

     -Feed JKF-3344

  • JKF-1317




电控面板Electrical Interface Panel

上位机调试界面Upper computer software Interface

联系我们获得更多资讯Contact us for more information. 

E-Mail : leonliu@jktech-cn.com